Mr Smallwood discusses an interim period of high interest rates to encourage Greek deposits to stay put, reinforced by lender-of-last-resort drachma credits from the Greek central bank. 斯莫尔伍德对实行高利率的过渡时期进行了讨论,此举旨在鼓励保持希腊储蓄,作为最后贷款者的希腊央行的德拉克马(希腊本币)信贷将加强这点。
The interim relief is pending the main court case in which they are seeking to protect their interest in the company, as well as their eco-tourism rights to the project, he said. 戴夫·瓦提称,该中期济助令的期限是到诉讼主要程序开始为止。瓦提兄弟欲通过该诉讼保护自己在公司中的权益,并维护自己在该项目中参与生态旅游的权利。
And the research to prediction value of interim financial report is helpful to increase the quality of listed companies 'interim financial reports and to protect the investors' interest. 对中期财务报告的预测价值进行研究,有助于提高上市公司中期财务报告的披露质量和保护投资者的利益。
The relation between interim crises and crises in the currency and credit systems ( especially high prices and high interest rates); 中间性危机与货币信用制度危机(特别是高物价、高利率)是什么关系。